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The Perfect Holiday Gift for the Vegan Fashionista in Your Life: The Petit Vour Vegan and Cruelty-Free Monthly Makeup Box

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Shopping for someone who is committed to a vegan and cruelty-free lifestyle, if it’s not a lifestyle that you live, or if it’s for someone who seems to have everything, can be difficult. Enter the Petit Vour box: a monthly box subscription of curated vegan and cruelty-free beauty products. The owner of Petit Vour, Madeline Alcott, is a vegan and self-described beauty enthusiast. She created Petit Vour after her own frustrating journey trying to find luxury beauty products that were both vegan and cruelty-free.

After coming up with the concept and the adorable name, named after the small desserts called petit fours, Madeline began her company. She was committed to her brand being completely ethical, which includes:

  • Using only brands that are cruelty-free.
  • Using only products that are free of animal-derived ingredients.
  • Using only packaging that is recycled, as well as recyclable.
  • Using recycled marketing materials.
  • Using domestical materials.

The brands with which Petit Vour works includes luxury brands such as 100% PureThe ElixeryEcco Bella, DuWop, Hourglass, LUSHPacificaTarte.

Those who receive a subscription for the box will complete a beauty profile, and the Petit Vour box products will be tailored to meet their preferences. Once the products are received, the recipient can earn points to score free Petit Vour products by completing a feedback survey, and recommending those products to a friend. The boxes will also come with exclusive discounts for the products in the box so that recipients purchase them again. All of the products are a generous sample-size, with some being full-sized.

Subscriptions are affordable, with 3-month and 6-month subscriptions available for $15/month, and monthly plans at $25. Subscriptions start the month after purchase, so if you would like to purchase a Petit Vour box as a Christmas gift, be sure to purchase it in November. Check out Petit Vour’s website to learn more, and start your subscription.

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