We love finding small businesses that make vegetarian and cruelty-free beauty products. Supporting small businesses is important to us because they know the importance of honoring their ethical commitments to their customers. They understand that this is how they keep their customers! Yummy Suds vegetarian and beauty products is one such company that exemplifies this philosophy.
Founded by a wife and mother, Yummy Suds is a company that was started in a small kitchen. Yummy Suds has a firm commitment to be ethical and responsible as a company, and it comes across very clearly on their website. Not only do they never test on animals, but they also make a point to clarify that they are not one of those companies who says that they don’t test on animals, only to contract the job to someone else to do it on their behalf (much like animal shelters that call themselves “no-kill shelters”, because they contract with another shelter to send them their animals to be killed). They also ensure that their product vendors do not test their ingredients on animals. All of their packaging is either recycled, or is recyclable. Their shea and cocoa butters are fair trade, and all of their ingredients are vegetarian and vegan. None of their products contain parabens, petroleum or other harsh ingredients. Any fragrance found in their products are either essential oils or absolutes (strong, aromatic liquids extracted from plants).
Part of a good beauty routine is a calming, serene living space, and aromatherapy is a great way to achieve that. Yummy Suds has a line of vegan, cruelty-free aromatherapy mists to brighten your living spaces and bring you tranquility. Aromatherapy mists can be hard to find if you are concientous about them being vegan and cruelty-free, as well as not full of chemicals that can harm your liver. They feature four signature aromatherapy mists:
Sweet Rose Aromatherapy Mist – This is a lovely mix of rose and geranium scents, using pure rose absolute and bourbon geranium oil.
Happy Time Aromatherapy Mist – This uplifting blend is pulled from citrus essential oils, which are known to energize and reinvigorate the senses. The full blend is grapefruit, tangerine and May Chang. They are all made from pure essential oil.
Relaxing Lavender Aromatherapy Mist – This lovely mist is simply lavender, which is best known for its ability to offer a sense of calm. This is made with lavender essential oil and is safe enough to even spritz on yourself to relax on a stressful day.
Holiday Tree Concentrated Room Spray – This is a scent for the holiday season and blends all of the best holiday smells! A mix of cinnamon, vanilla and Douglas Fir will transport you to your happiest holiday memories.
Because these sprays are all natural, with ingredients that are only pure, these sprays can all be used in a multitude of ways, including: on your linens, in your room, or directly on you!
To learn more about Yummy Suds and their wonderful aromatherapy sprays, visit their website.