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Vegan Fashion

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Much like vegetarianism, there are varying levels of veganism. Some vegans do not eat any animal products of any kind while others may eat non-vegan chocolate occasionally or use lip balm that contains beeswax. A large percentage of vegans limit their use of animal products to food, while a small percentage have managed to avoid animal consumption altogether — right down to their socks and shoes. Fortunately, vegan fashion does exist, so you don’t have to worry about small groups of people roaming naked through the streets.

Vegan fashion has made it easy for vegans and vegetarians to express their views without sacrificing taste. Vegan fashion is cruelty free, vegetarian and vegan friendly and available through literally dozens of online retailers. Cruelty-free vegan fashion can also be found in stores such as Whole Foods and a number of small, independent health food stores. While most people would prefer to shop in person, the biggest and best variety of fashions is available online. With less overhead, vegan fashion retailers have more capital to create vegan fashions in larger quantities.

If you would like to shop for vegan fashion, simply use your favorite search engine to browse through online offerings. Some of the top online vegan fashion stores include:,, and Happy Shopping!

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