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Priti NYC Vegan Nail Polish and Nail Care

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Priti NYC vegan nail products has an impressive resume. In fact, if you measure your doctor’s worth by the number of degrees he or she has on their wall, then you will consider Priti NYC to be the cream of the crop! Armed with a slew of badges bestowed upon their website by various vegan, environmental and health organizations, Priti NYC has proven that vegan nail polish does not have to be toxic.

Founder Kim D’amato recognized the need for non-toxic nail care when she was pregnant and realized that she was now responsible for the health of two people using her body. She began to switch over to a healthier lifestyle such as organic foods, but came up short when searching for natural beauty products. In 2005, D’amato launched Priti NYC and stated their mission as being, “to support organic farmers and to decrease the amount of chemicals poisoning the earth – and its inhabitants – one manicure at a time.”

Unlike most commercial nail polishes, Priti NYC polishes are free of carcinogenic ingredients such as toluene, dibutyl phthalate (DHB) and formaldehyde. For those who are worried that they will sacrifice quality for health, Priti NYC maintains that their polishes are chip- and fade-resistant, durable and beautifully glossy. But unlike the other commercial polishes, theirs are safe for children and expectant moms.

Priti NYC vegan nail products do not just include nail polish. They boast a recycled glass nail file and their signature soy nail polish remover. Their soy nail polish remover is far cry from the toxic-smelling nail polish removers that most are used to using. 100% biodegradable, the Priti NYC soy nail polish remover is also non-toxic and non-carcinogenic. With a base of soy and corn, which is derived from organic farm crops, it is infused with, among other things, coconut and essential lemongrass oils. It promises an effective polish remover, without all of the nasty fumes.

Their line of over 100 vegan nail colors are sure to have a few colors that strike your fancy, and they have a complete line of bridal polishes. Their Priti Princess line of polishes are especially for children, contained in smaller bottles for smaller hands, and they glow in the dark!

To learn more about Priti NYC vegan, non-toxic nail polishes, visit their website and get started on a healthy manicure journey!

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