Cheryl’s Herbs is known for herbs (as the name implies) but this dynamic vegetarian company also sells an extensive array of cruelty-free body care offerings. Cheryl, the founder, was a passionate herbalist and past president of the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA), an organization which trained many other people to become herbalists. Now, the company continues to honor her memory by producing fine products made with fresh herbs and essential oils.
If you check out the website,, you’ll find some pretty incredible deals. These products are so affordable! Some of them do contain beeswax, so please check those labels if you’re vegan! But, as we mentioned, everything is at least vegetarian, earth-friendly, and of course, cruelty-free!
If you need a simple, mild shampoo, you’ll be delighted by the Baby Soap and Bodywash (10.40). The sweet-smelling formula contains both calendula and chamomile flowers. This vegan item has a base of purified water and vegetable glycerin. It’s gentle enough for a newborn, so you know it will soothe your adult skin! Their soap agent is decyl polyglucose, which is derived from corn, coconut and palm kernel oils. It’s earth-friendly, because it’s manufactured from renewable vegetation. This product is a winner on every level!
One part of the website we’ve been checking out is the selection of bath herbs! We’re intrigued by the idea of pouring fresh herbs directly into our bathwater. If you could use some cheering up, try the Roses Oranges Cheering Bath Herbs ($7.30). The peppy ingredients include orange peel citrus sinensis, rose petals rosa centifolia/gallica, cinnamon bark cinnamomum cassia, and hibiscus flower hibiscus sabdariffa. This herbal mixture looks and smells lovely, due to the addition of rose petals. Just sprinkle some into your bath water and relax!
The Lip Balm Paw Gep’s Favorite ($3.10) does contain beeswax, so it’s not vegan. It also boasts these ingredients: yarrow, lavender and carrot essential oils, and comfrey-infused sunflower and vitamin E oils. No wonder this product is so popular. Also, you can’t beat the price! You can afford to pick up more than one.
Cheryl’s Herbs offers free shipping on all orders over $50.00, with the exception of gallon sizes. If you need answers to specific health complaints, be sure to click on the FAQ link. There, you’ll find replies to commonly asked questions about a host of issues, from cystic fibrosis to fibromyalgia. The site is a storehouse of knowledge, put together by folks with years of experience in herbal therapy! We’re so glad we discovered this line.