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Beauty Products and Makeup That You Might Think are Vegetarian or Vegan, But Aren’t

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It is astonishing how many beauty products aren’t vegetarian (let alone vegan); products that you would never in a million years think would have animal products in them. So if you are taking care to use vegan makeup or vegan beauty products (or vegetarian makeup or beauty products), it can be hard to be sure that a particular makeup or beauty product really is vegan or vegetarian.

This page contains a list of products that are surpisingly not vegetarian or vegan, both within the article, and in the comments (keep those comments coming!)

Please add your finds of beauty products that aren’t vegetarian in the comments below!

To get us started:

Avon – uses carmine, which is made from the shells of the cochineal beetle

Burt’s Bees – uses carmine

Too Faced – their Lip Injection Extreme is made from marine sponge (sponges are actually animals, not plants), and also contains collegen (source unknown, but almost always an animal source).

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  1. Joyce

    I was wondering if anyone knows if the avon smooth mineral makeup is carmine free. After tring to contact avon about this, still no wiser. One of the products says dye free? Does this mean carmine free? Joyce

  2. Lisa

    I checked PETA’s website and Avon DOES test on animals. According to them and other sources I’ve read they didn’t for many years and fairly recently went back to it.

  3. Tim Hordo

    Ardell (lashes) told me, “We don’t test on animals but some of the chemical manufacturers that we purchase from may therefore we cannot make that claim on our products”.

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