Vegan Cuts Vegan Beauty Box

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Have you heard about the Vegan Cuts Beauty Box? If not, you should check it out because it gives vegan beauty lovers, and those who simply want cruelty-free essential skin care products, a way to try new items from many brands and to get a range of products for a great price.

The Box

The Vegan Cuts Beauty Box is a fun, and convenient, way to get beauty and skin care products from several companies without committing to full-size jars and bottles of items you’re not sure you’ll like. The Beauty Box comes once a month to subscribers who pay a monthly fee to receive about four to seven new products in every box, which includes luxurious cosmetics and high-end skincare.

The Vegan Cuts Beauty Box always includes 100% cruelty-free products, many full-size and some sample-size products, that are also vegan and paraben free. Most items in the Beauty Box are organic and natural too. When you subscribe for $22.95 per month, you get free shipping to the U.S. of all items in your box. You can cancel whenever you feel like it, but you may not want to when you see the load of goodies you get. Vegan Cuts says that some months customers receive boxes with $80 worth of cosmetics and beauty products, for just the less than $30 they paid. Most of the time, the retail value for the box is about $30.

Vegan, Cruelty-Free, and Natural

All products inside of the Vegan Cuts Beauty Box is 100% vegan, which means you won’t find any honey, lanolin, carmine, or other animal ingredients in them. They’re also cruelty-free and never tested on animals. Vegans might be thrilled to find out that the brands in the Vegan Cuts Beauty Box don’t come from parent companies that test on animals either. Many of the products in the Beauty Box are PETA or Leaping Bunny approved, and every company that’s agreed to place products in the Box has signed a contract stating that they are a cruelty-free company. On top of this, the focus for the Box is always products that are non-toxic and certified organic when possible.

To learn more about the Vegan Cuts Beauty Box, and to order the monthly box, you can visit the Vegan Cuts website.

Vegan Cuts Vegan Beauty Box
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Vegan Cuts Vegan Beauty Box
Have you heard about the Vegan Cuts Beauty Box? If not, you should check it out because it gives vegan beauty lovers, and those who simply want cruelty-free essential skin care products, a way to try new items from many brands and to get a range of products for a great price.

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