Water free herbal body lotion by Ecco Bella Botanicals is 100% water free, 100% preservative-free and 70% organic. Available in Vanilla Herbal, Grapefruit Herbal, Lavender Herbal and Lemon Verbena, Water Free Herbal Body Lotion by Ecco Bella treats dry skin, flakiness and irritation with gentle ingredients such as safflower oil and calendula. Other ingredients include babassu oil, chamomile, coconut oil, sunflower seed oil, coconut oil, sesame oil, lemon, lemongrass, rosemary and geranium. This vegan formula also contains Aloe, Vitamin E and Vitamin A.
Water free herbal lotions are available in 8 oz. bottles. To purchase Ecco Bella Botanicals products, visit the official Ecco Bella Botanicals website at http://www.EccoBella.com.
About Ecco Bella
Established in 1992, Ecco Bella Botanicals is a cosmetics, skin care, and hair care company that does not use animal testing for its products. Ecco Bella Botanicals also uses organic materials in its cosmetics, and the company also supports ethical farmers. Products are also preservative and dye free. Ecco Bella Botanicals uses ingredients such as aloe vera, coconut oil, sunflower seed oil, chamomile, grapefruit fragrance, babassu oil, vitamin A, vitamin E, sesame oil, vanilla and safflower oil. Ingredients are 50-70% organic.
Ecco Bella Botanicals body care items include water free herbal body lotions in Lavender, Lemon, Vanilla and Grapefruit; fragrances in Lavender, Lemon, Ambrosia and Vanilla; mineral makeup infused with flower waxes; hair care products such as shampoos, conditioners and scalp therapy, and room mists. Room mists are available in Citrus, Lavender and Summer Fruit. Cosmetics are gluten-free and preservative free.