Open up a glamour magazine or visit a beauty website and you’ll probably see the Korean 10-Step Beauty Routine mentioned. This extensive process for keeping your face in beautiful condition relies on using a lot of products. While we certainly love the idea of addressing beauty with concern for cleansing, exfoliating, masking and the 7 other parts of the famous Korean routine, it doesn’t sit well with us that many people who embrace the method don’t look at animal cruelty.
Korea has a no-animal testing rule, so it’s easy to find vegan products to use for the 10-Step Method in that country. In the United States, while animal testing is the norm, we thankfully have alternative choices for cruelty-free beauty products to incorporate into the 10-Step process.
However, in China, where animal testing is mandatory, there are no ways to escape cruelty.
If you live in the U.S. and have wanted to try the Korean 10-Step Beauty Method, but you don’t know where to turn for vegan products, we can help. We’ve searched for cruelty-free makeup removers, toners, essences, sheet masks, treatments, eye creams and more. There’s a great product for each step of the 10-Step process, and you can get everything you need easily online.
Before you start, keep in mind that some people think that the 10-Step Method requires you to use all 10 products every day. While some Koreans may, and many say they use up to 7 products daily, this isn’t necessary. Rather than completing all 10 steps each day, focus on the individual steps as part of a comprehensive routine. Think in terms of removing makeup, cleansing, moisturizing and blocking out the sun every day. And, then toning, exfoliating, wearing your mask and using your treatments once or twice a week.
Here’s the Korean 10-Step Beauty Method in detail:
1. Oil Cleanser for Makeup Removal
The Koreans don’t just swipe a makeup removal pad across their face to take off mascara, foundation and lipstick at night. That just makes a streaky mess on the face and pillowcase. Instead, they use an oil cleanser to remove blusher, eye shadow and everything else. They gently massage it into the skin to loosen makeup, and then they wash it all off.
2. Water-Based Cleanser
The Korean 10-Step Beauty Method calls for double cleansing. In the morning, wash your face with a water-based cleanser to make sure you’ve removed all of the oil from the night before. You’ll be getting rid of any remaining makeup residue and keeping pores from getting clogged.
3. Exfoliator
You can exfoliate every day if you want, or just a couple of times a week. People with sensitive skin might want to stick to exfoliating once per week. What’s important is that you regularly slough off dead skin cells with an exfoliator. When you do, your face will appear brighter and your other products can work better.
4. Toner
Your skin is like a sponge and it should remain hydrated to work best for you. Applying a toner keeps your skin damp and it balances pH levels. To apply toner, sprinkle a bit on a cotton pad and gently wipe from the center of your face outward.
5. Essence
Koreans regularly uses essences, which are kind of like toner/hybrid products. Essences hydrate and repair the skin, and encourage cell turnover. Apply an essence directly after you tone.
6. Treatments
Boosters and most serums are treatments that target specific problems on or in the skin like lack of moisture, loss of elasticity and increased wrinkles. You can apply treatments daily or weekly, depending on your needs.
7. Sheet Masks
Sheet and sleep masks are the soul of the Korean 10-Step Beauty Method. It’s easy to apply a sheet or sleep mask. Just put it on and relax for 15 minutes. Meditate, read, listen to music or let your body chill in some other way. Remove your mask and continue on to the next step.8. Eye Cream
8. Eye Cream
Protect the skin around your eyes with an eye cream. Good eye creams keep delicate skin moisturized and supple. Using an eye cream is a good way to combat crow’s feet and under-eye bags.
9. Face Cream
Moisturize daily with a good face cream that doesn’t over-hydrate. This means that you simply want to restore natural moisture levels in your skin, not make it greasy, sticky or oily. A light cream is usually good enough to moisturize most skin.
10. Sun Protection
Never leave the house without protecting your face from the sun. We do need to let our skin soak up a little sun every day, so we get vitamin D, but 15 minutes in the sun daily is plenty. Use a sunscreen or a foundation with sunscreen to shield your face from harmful UV rays.
If you want to explore different vegan beauty products you can use with the Korean 10-Step Beauty Method, look for products from Innisfree and Klairs. These brands are cruelty free and they sell their skin care online.