Heal Rashes and Pimples with these Vegetarian Natural Balms

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When skin breaks out, it can be temping to turn to a treatment that makes big promises about maximum effects. But, often those products that say they’ll zap a pimple in an instant or immediately get ride of a rash are harsh treatments that damage human skin further and have been tested on animals (which doesn’t always even ensure their effectiveness or safety).

If you have acne you need to banish, or red spots that won’t go away, consider the following all-natural skin treatments. These treatments are safe, gentle, effective, vegetarian, and cruelty-free. We think they’re absolutely perfect!

Elemental Herbs All Good Goop

Use Elemental Herbs All Good Goop inside of Neosporin, or other salves with questionable ingredients, when you have an infected spot on your face or an irritated patch. This natural balm has an herbal base, and it’s handcrafted with pristine plant ingredients to offer the ultimate in healing. Elemental Herbs All Good Goop is ideal for putting on cuts, scrapes, rashes, and bad pimples.

We love the fact that this vegetarian balm is paraben free, which means you don’t have to worry about endocrine-disrupting ingredients. It’s also filled with nourishing olive oil, vitamin E, and calendula. Consider using this balm even if you have bug bites or chapped lips. It’s also great for diaper rash on babies.

Kelapo Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

Don’t reach for the Johnson’s Baby Oil when you need to comfort severely dry skin or ease the itchiness of a rash. Simply grab a jar of Kelapo Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (or any unrefined coconut oil you can find at a store near you). Slather it on your skin and feel hydrating, soothing relief within a short period of time.

When you use Johnson’s Baby Oil, or similar traditional store-bought oils, you allow mineral oil (petroleum) to soak into your skin. Instead, opt for a pure oil from nature that won’t harm you. Healing coconut oil can do anything that a conventional “baby oil” can do (it actually does a lot more). It’s moisturizing, disinfecting, and nutrient-rich (you can even eat it). And, it’ll help soften your face and your body. You can even use coconut oil to treat a sunburn.

If you opt for using coconut oil on your skin, consider putting a few drops of lavender essential oil in it. Lavender is an antiseptic too and it smells lovely, which can help soothe the mind in addition to the body.

Heal Rashes and Pimples with these Vegetarian Natural Balm
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Heal Rashes and Pimples with these Vegetarian Natural Balm
When skin breaks out, it can be temping to turn to a treatment that makes big promises about maximum effects. But, often those products that say they’ll zap a pimple in an instant or immediately get ride of a rash are harsh treatments that damage human skin further and have been tested on animals (which doesn’t always even ensure their effectiveness or safety).

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