Sometimes, the best cure for stress is to just relax in a hot tub and let your cares melt away into the bathwater. The Smith and Vandiver company realizes this fact, and have concocted a host of bath products that will ease your anxiety and relax your tired muscles at the same time. All of their bath care offerings are vegan, as are most of their other items. Everything is cruelty-free, so you can chill, knowing that your comfort doesn’t come at the expense of animals.
You can find their website at It’s filled with tantalizing offerings to reduce your stress level. You’ll feel more relaxed just looking at the photos. If you’re a fan of Epsom salts, you’ll love Smith and Vandiver’s Aromatherapaes Epsom Salt Tablets Rejuvenating Pouch ($10.00). The Epsom tablets are infused with rosemary and mint essential oils. Each one-ounce tablet is made with non-GMO citric acid, magnesium sulfate, sodium bicarbonate, rosemary, and peppermint leaf oil. This detoxifying mixture is great for your skin AND your nerves.
Bath bombs are a great way to bring a bit of fun to your soaking experience. Smith and Vandiver makes several different varieties, all for $9.00, but our favorite is the Get Over It variety. The name is a humorous take on the calming properties of lavender, the main ingredient in this product. We’re wild about lavender, and have a hunch you’ll be as well, when you take a bath with one of these! Other varieties include Coconut and Sea Salt, Lavender and White Tea, and Pomtastic Pomegranate. Pick up a few of them, and enjoy a different scent every evening!
Smith and Vandiver also creates a line of non-bath products, utilizing the same impeccable standards. We love body butters, so we were delighted to discover the Spaah Rejuvenation Body Butter ($12.00). It’s an uplifting combination of grapefruit, basil, ginger, aloe vera, and other pure ingredients. The addition of shea butter helps to hydrate and repair the skin.
If your order totals more than $50.00, shipping is free in the continental US. When you purchase products from this company, you’re supporting an outfit with more than 40 years of experience. Almost all of their offerings are vegan, the remaining ones are vegetarian, and everything is cruelty-free. Be sure to check labels. And….if you care about sea turtles, buy a Turtle Rescue Bath Bomb. With each purchase, a donation is made to rescue one turtle egg and nurture it to hatchling. How cool is that? We’re super-impressed by this company, and hope you will be, as well.